Project description
"A New Way Of Teaching – concepts for English classes in primary schools grade 0-3” supports social inclusion and enhances the basis of knowledge in Poland, referring to the problem that schools aren’t able to meet the challenges of XXI century. Project focuses on partners cooperation aiming to develop school education - elaboration of new teaching methodology through preparation and implementation of innovative tools and teaching techniques, international mobility between the partners and organization of events promoting Intelectual Outputs (IOs). Moreover, exchange of teachers’ experiences and effective practices during trainings, workshops, demo lessons and designing educational materials according to teacher’s experiences is planned.
Planned Actions:
A) Project meetings and mobility of participants: 4 in Poland and 2 in Norway. During these meetings participants will discuss teaching methods and observed problems and will participate in workshops and trainings (concerning building good teacher-students relations, planning individual teacher’s work) and will initiate the work on project’s results in task groups (it will be continued during online cooperation).

B) Individual work and work in task groups on mutually elaborated elements of the educational materials. The two Teacher’s Guidebooks (for teachers of grades 0-1 and 2-3) and Ideas & Activities Resource Pack (sets of educational materials adjusted to the needs of young learners) will be Intellectual Outputs of the project.
C) Events focused on promotion and implementation of Intelectual Outputs of the project will take place in IV quarter of 2021 and will take form of workshops in different Polish cities for at least 150 participants from education sector. Teachers will get access to experts from Norway who will present their effective practices. Peer learning is also planned. The implementation of proposed ideas for lessons for children will improve significantly English teaching methodology applied in primary schools. Positive effects will encourage the participants to continue the cooperation between schools in EEA.